Maria Agnesi
1. The Witch never equals zero
2. Woman can study maths just as men do
3. Maths is fundamental in the education of Christian Youth
4. Women’s relationship with maths was never the same after her
5. If there is no evidence there is no truth
Sigmund Freud
1. Our psychosexuality changes vastly through diff erent stages of
2. During sleep, the mind atempts to disconnect the person from
3. In the first 5 years of life we develop 3 distinct components of our
personality, much of this is hidden in our unconscious and we feed
off each components under diff erent stages of emotional stress.
4. Our mind fi lters our personality to make it socially acceptable.
5. Dream interpretation leads to the knowledge of the unconscious
Isaac Newton
1. If you fire a cannonball from the top of a mountain it will orbit the
2. You cant make rainbows with Newton’s refl ecting telescope
3. If a body hits another, It’s momentum is transferred.
4. Moving colours blend into each other
5. A body need more force applied to it to keep it in the same orbit,
the faster it goes